Alisa Abdullaeva
Alisa Abdullaeva is a Relationship and Femininity coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Licensed Practitioner of NLP, and Spiritual Mentor. Alisa studied NLP, psychology, Ayurveda and clinical hypnotherapy in Russia, India, China and the United States. Alisa has helped 2,650 clients transform their lives, their relationships, and their carriers through Spiritual and Feminine Knowledge, audio programs, health coaching, master classes, seminars, seminars, individual sessions and personal coaching. She’s been fortunate to work with everyone from Hollywood celebrities to some legendary athletes and CEOs of Fortune 500. Alisa has a special passion for working with both men and women who are committed to live a happy and harmonious life!
As a well-known Professional Expert in Relationship, Femininity, and Spirituality, people travel from all over the United States to see her for marital problems, relationships, confidence, and love life. Alisa states that spiritual and psychological knowledge along with the daily spiritual practices are the most effective way to heal & overcome any challenges in life. Alisa has found her calling to be extremely rewarding because it has given her the opportunity to transform the quality of life and make life-changing impact for so many people.
Social Media
At this point, Alisa stopped working and she leads programs and shares her knowledge through her social media on YouTube, TikTok & Instagram! Some of Alisa’s programs have reached over 2 million views on social media and YouTube News channels.
You can contact Alisa directly and register to her upcoming programs The "Awakened Woman" or "The Journey of A Man and A Woman"!